Teacher's Page

Teacher's Page - Purpose of Webquest:

It is advised that prior to this lesson, or at the beginning, a quick overview of what a webquest is and how it is used be given to the students. Explaining to them the order in which things are done in the way of the pages to the left of the screen will help them get readily involved in the interactivity of the web quest and avoid confusion. 

The order of a webquest is as follows: (The students go through the Introduction, then Task, Process, Evaluation, and Conclusion.)

Students are encouraged to work on this task individually to promote high order thinking, trusting their own judgements, and to encourage their own creativity and ideas. This will be achieved by reflection both on the set text (William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet) and the modern interpretations of the text, which are found in the media supplied. 

Teachers are advised for themselves to look over the evaluation prior, so they know how to mark a student and what your students are aiming for.


This web quest is integrated as part of the study for Year Nine English across all levels. It is fully intended to encourage a new type of interactivity and engagement for students with the set text, Romeo and Juliet. This web quest is designed to aid teachers in education their students towards the goal of learning and also meeting criteria set by the Queensland Studies Authority - goals evidenced in the QCAT (Queensland Comparable Assessment Tasks) guide, for example. That guide is downloadable here.

Literacy levels and expectations of a typical Year 9 class in Queensland have also been indicated by the Queensland Studies Authority in accordance with the syllabus. This level guide, found here, can be used to help in marking this webquest assessment and also fully utilising and understanding the rubric given, as a teacher yourself.

Further Resources that may help: