
"Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast." - Friar Lawrence, Romeo and Juliet

Students: use this rubric as a guide for your investigative findings. 

4 (Good)3 (Adequate)2 (Limited)1
(Very Poor/Non Attempt)
Criterion 1The student has clearly understood the introduction and recognises the use of their prior study in class of Romeo and Juliet. They have moved onto the ‘Task’ page with ease and are able to work conscientiously as an individual on this webquest – they do not rely on another student’s understanding of the webquest and required text to complete the webquest. The student shows a good understanding of the introduction and recognises to some extent that their prior study of Romeo and Juliet will help them in this task. They have been able to move onto the ‘Task’ page. The student reasonably works well as an individual.The student shows an adequate understanding of the introduction and recognises to some extent that their prior study of Romeo and Juliet will help them in this task. They have been able to move onto the ‘Task’ page with some encouragement from either peers or the teacher. The student attempts to work as an individual. The student shows a limited understanding of the introduction and does not appear to recognise that their prior study of Romeo and Juliet will help them in this task. They have been able to move onto the ‘Task’ page with much encouragement from the teacher – it is clear that the student has limited engagement with the task. The student does not attempt to work as an individual, relying on peers to provide answers. The student shows a limited or no understanding of the introduction and does not appear to recognise that their prior study of Romeo and Juliet will help them in this task. The student has little or no engagement with the task. The student fails to attempt the task successfully as an individual or at all.
Criterion 2It is clear that the student has understood the instructions in the ‘Process’ page. From their collated notes, it is clear that they have understood the text and provided their own conclusion about their chosen character’s role in the family feud, and also of the family feud in general – creating an persuasive argument. The student has used both the excerpts from their chosen character, their previous knowledge of the text, and at least 2 media clips from modern interpretations to enhance their findings. The student shows a good understanding of the instructions on the ‘Process’ page. The student has made a general conclusion the character but has not gone onto to assess the family feud as a whole. The student has used the excerpts from their chosen character given, plus at least 2 media clips from modern interpretations to enhance their findings. It is clear that the student does not draw on their prior study of the text to enhance these findings further in an effective manner. The student shows an adequate understanding of the instructions on the ‘Process’ page. The student has made a general conclusion the character that is not related to the family feud. The student has used the excerpts from their chosen character given, plus at least 1 media clip from modern interpretations to enhance their findings. The student does not attempt to draw on the previous study of the text in an effective manner. The student shows a limited understanding of the instructions on the ‘Process’ page. The student has attempted to make a conclusion about the character. The student has only used the excerpts from their chosen character. They have not used the media clips from modern interpretations to enhance their findings.  The student does not attempt to draw on the previous study of the text.The student shows little or no understanding of the instructions on the ‘Process’ page. The student failed to make a conclusion about their character. They have not used the media clips from modern interpretations to enhance their findings.  The student does not attempt to draw on the previous study of the  text.
Criterion 3The student has used the rubric to enhance their task by making sure that it conforms to the criteria. The student’s understanding of this rubric and the outcomes assessed is shown in the findings they present. The student’s findings are free from spelling and grammatical errors, and their findings are presented in a well-thought out, understandable manner. It is shown in the student’s findings that they have conformed to at least three parts of the rubric provided to enhance their task. The student’s understanding of some parts of the rubric and the outcomes assessed is shown in the findings they present. The student’s findings are have one or two spelling and grammatical errors, and their findings are presented in an understandable manner. It is shown in the student’s findings that they have conformed to at least two parts of the rubric provided to enhance their task. The student’s understanding of some parts of the rubric and the outcomes assessed is shown in the findings they present. The student’s findings are have more than five spelling and grammatical errors. Their findings are presented in an adequate manner. It is shown in the student’s findings that they have conformed to at least one part of the rubric provided to enhance their task. The student’s understanding of one part of the rubric and the outcomes assessed is poorly shown in the findings they present. The student’s findings are have more than ten spelling and grammatical errors. Their findings are presented poorly. The student has failed to use the rubric to enhance their task by making sure that it conforms to the criteria. The student shows little or no understanding of this rubric and the outcomes assessed in the findings they present/do not present. The student has over fifteen spelling and grammatical errors. Their findings are presented in a illogical, hurried manner.
Criterion 4The student has successfully completed the task in the allotted time. Their findings are well thought-out, and they have made use of all the relevant media that the webquest has to offer. The student has successfully completed the task in the allotted time. Their findings show a good thought process, and the student has made use of most of the relevant media that the webquest has to offer. The student has successfully completed a large majority of the task in the allotted time. Their findings show some form of process, and the student has made use of some of the relevant media that the webquest has to offer.  The student has successfully completed less than half of the task in the allotted time. Their findings are limited and the student has not made use of the relevant media that the webquest has to offer. The student has failed to complete at least half of the task in the allotted time. Their findings are severely limited, or not attempted. The student has not made use of the relevant media that the webquest has to offer.

Student Name: ___________________________   Date: ________________   
Total Mark: ___________

Here is a link to a printable copy: GDocs format of Rubric.